
Research and education


The research pro­jects are focused mainly on of pro­per­ties, structure and lon­ge­vity of den­tal mate­ri­als using light and scan­ning electron microscopy, uni­ver­sal tes­ting machine, micro­hard­ness tes­ter and others which pro­vide prin­ci­ple insi­ght into mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties of vari­ous den­tal mate­ri­als and den­tal hard tis­sues, their inter­nal structure or fracture beha­vi­our. Long-time dura­bi­lity of adhesive bonds between den­tal tis­sues and com­posite mate­ri­als or com­posite to com­posite bonds in corro­sive envi­ron­ments, inves­ti­gation of poly­me­ri­zation of modern com­posite mate­ri­als with respect to para­me­ters of poly­me­ri­zation lamps or eva­luation of pro­tective effect of oral hygi­ene pro­ducts rank among the pro­jects sol­ved in the labo­ra­tory. Broad expe­ri­men­tal capa­bi­li­ties make it possi­ble to coo­pe­rate on mate­rial tes­ting in accre­di­ted Tes­ting labo­ra­tory for den­tal mate­ri­als VFN, No.1250.



Practi­cal tra­i­nings rela­ted to semi­nars on den­tal mate­rial science are currently orga­ni­sed in the labo­ra­tory (pro­per­ties of res­to­ra­tive mate­ri­als, impres­sion mate­ri­als and cli­ni­cal pro­per­ties of den­tal mate­ri­als). The staff par­ti­ci­pa­tes in semi­nars of Pre­ven­tive den­tistry and super­vi­ses stu­dents in Post­gra­duate Doc­to­ral (Ph.D.) Study in Bio­me­di­cine in the respective research projects.

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