
Accredited testing laboratory

Tes­ting of phy­s­i­cal and mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties of den­tal mate­ri­als is per­for­med in accre­di­ted Tes­ting labo­ra­tory No. 1250 accor­ding to the inter­nati­o­nal ISO stan­dards taken over to the Czech nati­o­nal nor­ma­tive sys­tem. The prin­ci­pal docu­ment of the qua­lity manage­ment is the Qua­lity Manual, which reflects all the acti­vi­ties of the Labo­ra­tory con­forms its com­pe­tence with respect to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to inde­pen­dent tes­ting of den­tal mate­ri­als satis­fy­ing requi­re­ments of both our cus­to­mers and Czech Accre­di­tation Insti­tute and other autho­ri­ted bodies.

number of views: 2773 last modification: 05.11.2014
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